Ashworth’s Drugs in Cary, NC
The building for Ashworth’s Drugs in Cary dates back to 1931. Retaining its vintage soda fountain, the store harkens back to a simpler time. However, the real history is hidden in a private staircase, which is etched with the footsteps of Freemasons who first built the structure. Some of North Carolina’s historic icons—mayors, businessmen, and politicians who shaped our state—have walked on those very stairs, and left their mark behind. Many of them were Masons, themselves. The old staircase leads to their antique meeting room, with the original hardwood floors, smelling of old books and lost history. Do you love hidden and forgotten Triangle history? Check out our Hidden History & Urban Exploration tour!
Tickets ——>
Learn more about Ashworth’s Drugs at the
Downtown Cary website —>…/cary-masonic-history-ashworth…/